It feels very strange - I will officially cease my employment with the Department for Transport tomorrow (26/11/10). I started with DTEI as a contractor in November 1997 and it has been a very interesting 13 years. There were frustrations and disappointments but over-riding all of that was a great sense of pride in my achievements over the years. I was privileged to manage a terrific team for several years and was honoured to have worked with some wonderful people over the last 13 years - both within and outside DTEI. I am not apprehensive about finishing my employment but I am sad that my contact with some truly fabulous people is likely to diminish and gradually fade to nothing. I hope I am wrong but it is often what happens. A very big thank you to all the people who have supported and encouraged me throughout the last 13 years. My learnings over that period have been great and I hope I have, in some way, passed those learnings on to others.
As this door closes I look forward to seeing what is behind the other door (or doors) which are opening. My first grandchild is due in two weeks and Royce and I are still planning a big (3-6 month) journey early next year (provided all the planets align appropriately).
In the meantime I hope everyone is safe and well and remains so throughout the festive season.